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⇒ Libro Gratis The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1 Protean Dimensions Philip JoseEdited by Michael Croteau Farmer 9780615370057 Books

The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1 Protean Dimensions Philip JoseEdited by Michael Croteau Farmer 9780615370057 Books

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Download PDF The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1 Protean Dimensions Philip JoseEdited by Michael Croteau Farmer 9780615370057 Books

The Worlds of Philip José Farmer is a tour through SF Grand Master Philip José Farmer's many creations, featuring essays by the likes of Randall Garrett and James Gunn, interviews with Farmer, stories set in Farmer's expanded worlds by Chris Roberson, David Bischoff, Rhys Hughes, and other SF/F talents, and previously unpublished fiction and more by Farmer himself.


Foreword by Paul Malmont
Lost Worlds
The Bite of the Asp by Randall Garrett
Newly Born, Newly Dead by Philip José Farmer
It Could Make a Great Fantasy by Laura Wilkes Carey
My Summer Husband by Philip José Farmer
Classic Worlds
Sail On! Sail On! by Philip José Farmer
Read On! Read On! by James Gunn
Comment on "Sail On! Sail On!" by Philip José Farmer
Peoria-Colored Worlds
The Legend of Mishiwapo by Philip José Farmer
Philip José Farmer's Adventures in Hollywood by Jack Mertes
Bordering on the Absurd by Danny Adams
Parallel Worlds
Infamy by Edward Morris
Le Maréchal by Paul Spiteri
Expanded Worlds
The Pollinators by Rhys Hughes
Is He in Hell? by Win Scott Eckert
The Blakeney Family Tree by Win Scott Eckert
No Trees of Earth by David Bischoff
A Kick in the Side by Christopher Paul Carey
Flesh Endures by Dennis E. Power
The Final Flight of Greatheart Silver by Chris Roberson
A Writer's Prayer by Philip José Farmer

The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1 Protean Dimensions Philip JoseEdited by Michael Croteau Farmer 9780615370057 Books

A fantastic collection of essays and short stories centered around a very talented writer and his works. Fans of science fiction, adventure and pulp will find some great stories within these pages. Additionally, the non-fiction pieces are very interesting.

I haven't read the entire volume, as some stories set in certain universes take place a bit further on than I am within those series. So this collection has won me over without even completing it yet.

"It Could Make A Great Fantasy", a essay by Laura Wilkes Cary discusses Farmer's plans at using the Book of Mormon as a basis for a American Pre-History series, ala the Khokarsa/Opar series was to Africa. This is a must read for some insight into Farmer's world building, containing information on the Mormon religon, and how Farmer planned to include bits he took notes on while reading the Book of Mormon into the series. It sounds like this story would have been cool to read. It seems America gets left out of the Pre-History/ Lost Race tales, why should Africa and Europe get all the fun?

"Is He In Hell", a short story by Win Scott Eckert is a must read for fans of Wold Newton, Crossovers, the Scarlet Pimpernel and.... a certain Cimmerian. This is a espionage type tale set in the Wold Newton Universe with the Scarlet Pimpernel taking center stage flanked by his ladies Marguerite St. Just (his wife) and Alice Clarke Raffles (lover) (it wouldn't be a Scarlet Pimpernel story without some strong women after all). Also included is a character from french literature named Lecoq who acts as the Pimpernel's driver and aide. I was floored by the revelation of who the villain was, as I am a huge Robert E. Howard fan, that alone would have won me over, but I really enjoyed reading the original Scarlet Pimpernel novel and it was great to see Percy and Marguerite at it again, this time with Percy taking the lead role, but Marguerite still having her fun. He also introduces an interesting concept into the Wold Newton Universe of "the One".
Eckert does all this while setting the seeds for the start of the (Classic) Wold Newton Family/Universe.

As a follow up to this story, Eckert also delves into Wold Newton Genealogy in "The Blakeny Family Tree" which clarifies the relationship between Percy, Alice and Marguerite in the Wold Newton Family and the different children each of the ladies have to Blakeny. This includes a genealogical chart that is a must read for Wold Newton historians.

Lastly, the main reason I bought this was "A Kick in the Side" by Christopher Paul Carey. This is a side story to "Flight From Opar" by Philip Jose Farmer and deals with the fate of Hinokly the scribe. I just came off reading the two Opar books and was starving for more, especially in anticipation for the long awaited sequel "The Song of Kwasin" (recently published by Subterranean Press, co-written by Carey from Farmer's original manuscript and notes), I needed more Opar and this story was there to deliver. While Hinokly is far from the strong characters of Hadon and Kwasin, it offers a look at the world of Khokarsa from a different perspective. It picks up after the poor scribe goes overboard in Flight to Opar, but his salvation is anything but. He gets picked up by a brutal pirate, whose need for a scribe doesn't stop him or his crew from abusing Hinokly. The captain of the ship is smart as far as pirates go... he is a pirate hunter-hunter, preying on vessels who have already stolen from other pirates. However, he's not that smart, of course Hinokly, being the unusual hero of this story uses his wits to get the better of him and his crew. He's not Hadon or Kwasin, but he's not that weak either. I really liked this story, it fed my Khokarsa appetite while awaiting "The Song of Kwasin".

Now thats only 4 out of the 19 pieces within this series, so needless to say you will get a lot out of this collection. I believe there is something in here for everyone, but especially those of Farmer, Wold Newton, New Pulp and Adventure all in a great looking package.

Product details

  • Paperback 263 pages
  • Publisher Meteor House; 1st Edition edition (2010)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0615370055

Read The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1 Protean Dimensions Philip JoseEdited by Michael Croteau Farmer 9780615370057 Books

Tags : The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1: Protean Dimensions [Philip Jose.Edited by Michael Croteau. Farmer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Worlds of Philip José Farmer is a tour through SF Grand Master Philip José Farmer's many creations,Philip Jose.Edited by Michael Croteau. Farmer,The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1: Protean Dimensions,Meteor House,0615370055,Science Fiction & Fantasy - Science Fiction
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The Worlds of Philip Jose Farmer 1 Protean Dimensions Philip JoseEdited by Michael Croteau Farmer 9780615370057 Books Reviews

It is more than appropriate that this collection features not just some rare material by Farmer himself but some pastiches of his creations by some of today's top authors. Farmer is almost single handedly responsible for the creation of the fictional author genre and helping us view existing books through new eyes by adding his own versions of their heroes (and villains). His recent death robbed us of a great and generous talent and has only been tempered by the publication of many items from his magic filing cabinet and posthumous collaborations with other authors who have completed fragments and notes.
There are some stories which are not up to Farmer at is best, but then there is quite a lot of Farmer which the same charge can be levelled at. The best is well worthy of the master, however and you will find a lot to reward your purchase of this book.
When Philip Jose Farmer passed away in 2009 I sadly assumed that we had seen the last of his published works. Living in Australia, I have met few Farmer fans other than those I had converted myself, so my interactions with the Farmer community had been minimal.

I was so gladdened when I heard that Meteor House was starting the release of this series of books. Not only are they releasing old works by PJF, but most importantly, these collections have all new material by people who have been influenced by the great man.

PJF changed my life, and it's amazing to be exposed to others who have clearly experienced the same. The love and passion that has gone into creating these works is phenomenal.

In Volume 1, I particularly enjoyed the revisiting of PJF's classic 'Sail On! Sail On!'. I had read it before, but it never really clicked with me until this time. James Gunn's commentary was invaluable.

While I can't say it's the best introduction to his work for newcomers (Riverworld takes that prize), this is a must for all Farmer fans.
This is the first volume in a continuing series of books containing rare writings by and about Philip Jose Farmer. Some of these pieces have been out of print for decades and are collected here for the first time in one book. There are also fiction pieces based on the works of Phil Farmer by seasoned writers who were more than happy to take some time to play in the universes Phil Created. This is a collected volume of fiction, non-fiction and literary analysis that will entertain and inform fans of Phil Farmer and of classic science fiction.
I was introduced to the works of Philip Jose Farmer by my father, himself a professional writer who started reading Farmer's work as a teenager and who had the good fortune to meet Phil and spend time at his home on a couple of occasions as well as contribute to the 2005 anthology "Myths Of The Modern Age Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton Universe." For those unfamiliar with Farmer's work, or who are perhaps familiar with the name but have read little or none of his works - this volume is a magnificent place in which to get acquainted with this most talented of writers. The book contains some stories and essays by Farmer himself (my favorite being "A Writer's Prayer," which I've heard my dad utter under his breath a time or two when working under deadline) as well as stories and essays by other writers who were friends of Farmer and fans of his work. Among the highlights of those gems are Win Eckert's "The Blakeney Family Tree" and "The Final Flight of Greatheart Silver," Chris Roberson's wondrous epilog to one of Farmer's most ingenious creations. BAnyone who loves a good read should buy this book and buy it now; you won't be sorry!
A fantastic collection of essays and short stories centered around a very talented writer and his works. Fans of science fiction, adventure and pulp will find some great stories within these pages. Additionally, the non-fiction pieces are very interesting.

I haven't read the entire volume, as some stories set in certain universes take place a bit further on than I am within those series. So this collection has won me over without even completing it yet.

"It Could Make A Great Fantasy", a essay by Laura Wilkes Cary discusses Farmer's plans at using the Book of Mormon as a basis for a American Pre-History series, ala the Khokarsa/Opar series was to Africa. This is a must read for some insight into Farmer's world building, containing information on the Mormon religon, and how Farmer planned to include bits he took notes on while reading the Book of Mormon into the series. It sounds like this story would have been cool to read. It seems America gets left out of the Pre-History/ Lost Race tales, why should Africa and Europe get all the fun?

"Is He In Hell", a short story by Win Scott Eckert is a must read for fans of Wold Newton, Crossovers, the Scarlet Pimpernel and.... a certain Cimmerian. This is a espionage type tale set in the Wold Newton Universe with the Scarlet Pimpernel taking center stage flanked by his ladies Marguerite St. Just (his wife) and Alice Clarke Raffles (lover) (it wouldn't be a Scarlet Pimpernel story without some strong women after all). Also included is a character from french literature named Lecoq who acts as the Pimpernel's driver and aide. I was floored by the revelation of who the villain was, as I am a huge Robert E. Howard fan, that alone would have won me over, but I really enjoyed reading the original Scarlet Pimpernel novel and it was great to see Percy and Marguerite at it again, this time with Percy taking the lead role, but Marguerite still having her fun. He also introduces an interesting concept into the Wold Newton Universe of "the One".
Eckert does all this while setting the seeds for the start of the (Classic) Wold Newton Family/Universe.

As a follow up to this story, Eckert also delves into Wold Newton Genealogy in "The Blakeny Family Tree" which clarifies the relationship between Percy, Alice and Marguerite in the Wold Newton Family and the different children each of the ladies have to Blakeny. This includes a genealogical chart that is a must read for Wold Newton historians.

Lastly, the main reason I bought this was "A Kick in the Side" by Christopher Paul Carey. This is a side story to "Flight From Opar" by Philip Jose Farmer and deals with the fate of Hinokly the scribe. I just came off reading the two Opar books and was starving for more, especially in anticipation for the long awaited sequel "The Song of Kwasin" (recently published by Subterranean Press, co-written by Carey from Farmer's original manuscript and notes), I needed more Opar and this story was there to deliver. While Hinokly is far from the strong characters of Hadon and Kwasin, it offers a look at the world of Khokarsa from a different perspective. It picks up after the poor scribe goes overboard in Flight to Opar, but his salvation is anything but. He gets picked up by a brutal pirate, whose need for a scribe doesn't stop him or his crew from abusing Hinokly. The captain of the ship is smart as far as pirates go... he is a pirate hunter-hunter, preying on vessels who have already stolen from other pirates. However, he's not that smart, of course Hinokly, being the unusual hero of this story uses his wits to get the better of him and his crew. He's not Hadon or Kwasin, but he's not that weak either. I really liked this story, it fed my Khokarsa appetite while awaiting "The Song of Kwasin".

Now thats only 4 out of the 19 pieces within this series, so needless to say you will get a lot out of this collection. I believe there is something in here for everyone, but especially those of Farmer, Wold Newton, New Pulp and Adventure all in a great looking package.
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